Logged on to the omnipresent Google and searched for some nearby place to go... zeroed in on Maddur, some 92 kms away. I had heard there was a ccd there... so, Why not !!! I am just going out for coffee ;-)
Pinged Shobhit and told him the tentative day's plan... Reply came : "We leave in an Hour" .... That was fast !!! ( and I thought the guy would think about it !!! )
So... we started. Fed our noble steeds their nutritious lunch and were off ( our own lunch.... still not decided )
Time: 3:30 pm
Trip meter: 22 kms
Somewhere on a straight road which was to connect to Mysore road.
Road attribute: narrow, potholed, pitted, dusty
Traffic: simply mind blowing !!! We were going at a breakneck speed of 10 km/h !!! every Tom,Dick n Harry on that road considered himself as the sole owner and user of the road, and hence we were witness to some amazing 2 n 4 wheeler chaos !!! I vaguely remember there were some traffic rules..... ;-)
Finally got on Mysore road and we were all smiles... grinning rather :D
Black tarmac and black rubber... swweeeet !!! the best combination around !!!
Started opening the throttle and our steeds were just too happy to comply :-) Shobhit was leading the way and we were doing around 80km/h . Crossed innumerable trucks, some loaded in a manner that raised doubts about their successful completion of journey !!!
Suddenly I felt Shobhit was far ahead of me... my speed was constant.... hey !!! this guy is zooming away !!! What followed next for some time was the novice following the master ;-)
The road is superb... Got a lot of rolling turns , gentle ... but fun to take on at 80+ speeds. Its smooth, and also has its share of gradually increasing and decreasing terrain. The fields on both sides are filled with coconut tress and on a cloudy and windy day... riding was pure bliss :-)
We were also witness to some drag racing between 2 trucks !!! ( they were dragging their bodies along and also racing in the classic format of "U go first... NO!!! U go First !!!" ) The end result was that a few of us had the opportunity to taste smoke, grime n pebble hits....
Trip meter: 87 kms
We realized we had forgotten to visit the lovely ATM on our way out and so now though hungry, were in search for an atm. Saw a Mc'Downalds ahead and went in to ask for a possible atm location.
I will say this Mc'Downalds has the best people around... very friendly, very helpful. We were told were to find the atm and that we should have something to eat first and pay later when we would come back on the route !!! just amazing !!!
The wonderful people at Mc'
After having stuffed ourselves, we moved on, a bit lazily now. On the way we saw the ccd. Went in.... but when the time came to get off our bikes... we had an unanimous decision... Naaaah !!! its much fun to keep riding !!! Sorry ccd.... some other day maybe ;-)
Now it was just riding ahead with no destination... it was just the journey. We went on for some 30 more kms.... on the way stopped at the atm... and finally started back.
Stopped at the Mc'Downalds and handed over the amount due :-) Also had some photo sessions!!!
Coming back was good. Steady speeds of 80...85.... bit of 90 thrown in for some change ;-)
This time I did a bit of lead riding :-) And then entered city limits and was engulfed by the traffic !!! like an army of ants ??? nops, they are much more organized and disciplined !!!
Finally reached home around 9:00 pm...
Total distance covered: 230 kms
When we started back, we were just 40 kms from Mysore.... Our odo's will soon be rolling that way :-)
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